Make a Positive Impact. What You Send Out In Others Lives Will Come Back to Your Own Life. It’s The Law Of Return.
If you have not realized by now, you will never be successful as a Mary Kay Consultant until you impact yourMary Kay customers and team’s lives.
The highest paid skill for Mary Kay Consultants is not your mastering how to do a presentation at your parties, or having exciting Monday night meetings. Its not even mastering how to use the internet or having a killer blog and knowing how to use google ads, ppc, social media, etc.
Your highest paid skill in this arena is you mastering how to make an impact on your team and training them to do the above. The only way you can teach other Mary Kay Consultants how to do exactly that is making sure you have mastered all those marketing skills yourself. You cannot teach what you do not know and you cannot lead people to go where you have not gone.
Duplicating your success skills in other Mary Kay Consultants in your team or Mary Kay Unit is the only sure winning formula that you can apply to build massive success not just for you but for your them as well. If you really want to explode your Mary Kay Cosmetics business, you must have a Solid Training System that absolutely ROCKS!!
If you take the time to study the most successful people in thedirect sales Marketing industry, you will realize that they all have systems in place for their own teams not only for their first level teams but for their entire organization or downline.
They have the ability to replicate what they do. You cannot be the only one in your team that knows how to sell Mary Kay, how to do great presentation, how to recruit more people into your Mary Kay unit, but your Mary Kay Consultants on your team or unit MUST be just as good as you.
Here is the hard truth, if the Mary Kay Consultants on your team are not able to build a solid customer base and sponsor or recruit more people to build their own teams, you can be sure they will put the opportunity on the back burner and some will even make a decision to just call it quit.
Most Mary Kay Consultants will only stay in the business if they are making money themselves. So if you are wondering why your business looks like a revolving door, look no further than the Mary Kay success system you have put in place and your ability to duplicate your skills.
Clearly you cannot be blamed for every Mary Kay Consultant on your team who quits or give up on themselves, but to the most, majority of people quit or hop from one opportunity to another because of lack of proper training on how to effectively market their Mary Kay Products and Mary Kay business opportunity.
Check out my Training & Coaching Program Here.