Are you rocking in your business sales and team building or do you need to crank it this year? I know just like me you get emails and contacts all the time with the latest hyped up website selling the latest greatest product that will “make you millions”. What’s funny is this happens EVERY week. There is always someone who has cracked the code to the next big thing. What if you could put an…

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The best prospects for Mary Kay Consultants to sponsor in their Mary Kay business are those that are laser targeted.  It is very easy if you know exactly what you are doing online to target people who are looking for exactly what you have to offer be it business opportunity, products or services. Most direct sales marketing reps and distributors who use the internet use this very formula of working with only targeted leads and…

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If you want to build a business selling Mary Kay Cosmetics, it will take discipline and commitment to build a successful home business.  Not doing what you are supposed to do today thinking you will get it done tomorrow is the fastest road to your business downfall. People will always find an excuse as to why it cannot be done today or why selling Mary Kay is not easy.  They tell themselves that tomorrow or…

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As a Mary Kay Consultant, your business is either sinking or thriving. You must be able to tell what direction your Mary Kay Cosmetics business is headed. There are a few helpful indicators that can help you understand how “healthy” your business is. Like players do, you always have to keep an eye on the score board so you know whether you are playing the game to win or if you are on a losing…

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If you are thinking of starting a home based business, Or if you already have one but you are second guessing yourself, here is a summary of some of the benefits of having a successful home based business. 1.  You are able to work on your own terms — choose where, when, and with whom you want to work. 2.  You have fewer interruptions — no meetings, fewer phone calls, no coffee room social gatherings….

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The Buyers Lament: Don’t waste my time, please go away. I will not talk with you today.  You call me up, you want to sell. But all you do is tell, tell, tell.I do not want to hear your spiel. I will not play let’s make a deal.  So listen up, take my advice. Discover how you can entice. If you aspire to earn my trust, research is an absolute must. Know my goals, the…

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I am going to make an attempt to address a topic that I hear all the time and you probably are going through the same thing. If not, you probably know someone who is. Now, if you are and independent Mary Kay Consultant, or are in any kind of network marketing business, your business is supposed to generate profit. I have seen so many frustrated Mary Kay Consultants and directors who have been in business…

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1.  Practice empathy. Make it a habit to try to place yourself in the shoes of another person. Any person. Loved ones, co-workers, people you meet on the street. Really try to understand, to the extent that you can, what it is like to be them, what they are going through, and why they do what they do. 2.  Practice compassion.  Once you can understand another person, and feel what they’re going through, learn to…

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Mary Kay Is a Great Company especially for women and is one of the fast paced business opportunity that has been in the lead of the Cosmetic Industry for such a long time. Mary Kay Product are great and the brand is over 45 years. The company also rewards its top people by allowing them to earn career cars. Who has never had of Mary Kay Pink Cadillac? This is awesome and I can tell…

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What does it really take to succeed in direct sales? I found a great article written by Vincent J. Kellsey, director of member services for the Direct Selling Women’s Alliance, an organization that provides a variety of resources to women and men in the direct-selling industry.. Choose wisely. There are six key elements you should be looking for [when selecting an opportunity]. Number one: stability. How old is the company? Number two is excellent products…

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